Bipolar disorder (a collaboration with Robert Gonzalez and Anda Gershon)
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Gonzalez R, Dwivedi A, Zeitzer J, Suppes T, Tohen M, Alvarado A, Forero A (2022) Chronobiologically-based sub-groups in bipolar I disorder: a latent profile analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders 299: 691-697.
Gonzalez R, Suppes T, Zeitzer J, McClung C, Tamminga C, Tohen M, Forero A, Dwivedi A, Alvarado A (2018) The association between mood state and chronobiological characteristics in bipolar I disorder: a naturalistic, variable cluster analysis-based study. International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 6: 5. PMCID: PMC6161964
Gershon A, Ram N, Johnson SL, Harvey AG, Zeitzer JM (2016) Daily actigraphy profiles distinguish depressive and interepisode states in bipolar disorder. Clinical Psychological Science 4:641-650. PMCID: PMC5022043